NZIC Branches

The NZIC has seven geographical branches and two educational branches.

Members resident or temporarily overseas belong to a group managed by the NZIC Administrator.

The Auckland branch covers the North Auckland District. This district covers the area north of a line drawn from the mouth of the Waikato to the Firth of Thames, not including the Coromandel Peninsula.
The Waikato branch covers the South Auckland District. This district covers the Waikato, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Rotorua and Taupō.
The Manawatu branch covers Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatu, Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, and the area north of a line from Ōtaki to Cape Turnagain.
The Wellington branch covers the part of the Wellington District not included in the Manawatu Branch together with the Marlborough and Nelson Land Districts.
The Canterbury branch covers Canterbury and Westland Districts.
The Otago branch covers the Otago and Southland Districts.
Members resident or temporarily overseas shall belong to a group administered by the Executive Officer or Administrator.
tert-Chem Ed Members of the tertiary section are NZIC members (or fellows) who have opted into membership of this section.
Secondary Educators of New Zealand (SCENZ) Members of the secondary section are school members of NZIC.