The highest honour of the NZIC is awarded to members who have given meritorious service to the Institute or to science or to the profession of chemistry.
Promotion of a Member to Fellow normally requires a minimum of 5 years’ professional experience as a Member, and the candidate must have shown a substantial measure of ability or achievement in chemistry. The membership fee for a fellow is $160.00 per year. Further information about the requirements for promotion to Fellow, can be found under Rule 9 of the NZIC rules.
Application for fellowship can be made directly using this form: Fellowship Application Form
Fellows of the Institute and Branch Committees have the right to nominate Honorary Fellows.
Bingham, Alistair Gavin | Auckland |
Blackman, Allan | Auckland |
Blunt, John | Canterbury |
Brasch, Nicola | Auckland |
Brimble, Margaret | Auckland |
Cousins, Ghislaine | Manawatu |
Crowley, James | Otago |
Duncan, John | Auckland |
Evans, Gary | Wellington |
Filichev, Vyacheslav | Manawatu |
Franich, Robert (retired) | Waikato |
Furneaux, Richard | Wellington |
Gill, Brendon | Waikato |
Gizdavic-Nikolaidis, Marija | Auckland |
Gordon, Keith | Otago |
Grayson, Bill | Auckland |
Hall, Simon | Manawatu |
Hanton, Lyall | Otago |
Harrison, John | Auckland |
Hartshorn, Richard | Canterbury |
Harvey, Joanne | Wellington |
Haverkamp, Richard | Manawatu |
Hay, Michael | Auckland |
Hill, Anthony F | Overseas |
Hinkley, Simon | Wellington |
Hodgkiss, Justin | Wellington |
Jameson, Guy N L | Overseas |
Johnston, James | Wellington |
Jull, Adrian | Manawatu |
Kilmartin, Paul | Auckland |
Lane, Jo | Waikato |
Lucas, Nigel | Otago |
MacGibbon, Alastair Kenneth Hugh | Manawatu |
Masters, Sarah | Canterbury |
McGillivray, Duncan | Auckland |
McMorran, David Allan | Otago |
Miller, Ian James | Wellington |
Miskelly, Gordon Mark | Auckland |
Mucalo, Michael Roger | Waikato |
Northcote, Peter | Wellington |
OConnor, Charmian | Auckland |
Perry, Nigel Brian | Otago |
Plieger, Paul | Manawatu |
Prinsep, Michele | Waikato |
Rendle, Phillip | Wellington |
Roper, Warren Richard | Auckland |
Rowlands, Gareth J | Manawatu |
Russell, Sarah Grace Gray | Wellington |
Schwerdtfeger, Peter | Auckland |
Schwoerer, Ralf | Wellington |
Sharman, Wayne | Wellington |
Simpson, Cather | Auckland |
Smart, Deane | Auckland |
Spencer, John L | Wellington |
Temple, Wayne Anthony | Otago |
Timmer, Mattie | Wellington |
Travas Sejdic, Jadranka | Auckland |
Waterhouse, Geoffrey | Auckland |
Waterland, Mark | Manawatu |
Waters, James Desmond | Wellington |
Watson, Ian Douglas | Auckland |
Weatherburn, David Charles | Wellington |
Whitney, Robert | Wellington |
Whittle, Kenneth | Waikato |
Williams, David | Auckland |
Williamson, Arthur Gordon | Canterbury |
Wright, James | Auckland |
Zubkova, Olga | Wellington |
Auckland | Bingham, Alistair Gavin |
Blackman, Allan | |
Brasch, Nicola | |
Brimble, Margaret | |
Duncan, John | |
Gizdavic-Nikolaidis, Marija | |
Grayson, Bill | |
Harrison, John | |
Hay, Michael | |
Kilmartin, Paul | |
McGillivray, Duncan | |
Miskelly, Gordon Mark | |
OConnor, Charmian | |
Roper, Warren Richard | |
Schwerdtfeger, Peter | |
Simpson, Cather | |
Smart, Deane | |
Travas Sejdic, Jadranka | |
Waterhouse, Geoffrey | |
Watson, Ian Douglas | |
Williams, David | |
Wright, James | |
Canterbury | Blunt, John |
Hartshorn, Richard | |
Masters, Sarah | |
Williamson, Arthur Gordon | |
Manawatu | Cousins, Ghislaine |
Filichev, Vyacheslav | |
Hall, Simon | |
Haverkamp, Richard | |
Jull, Adrian | |
MacGibbon, Alastair Kenneth Hugh | |
Plieger, Paul | |
Rowlands, Gareth J | |
Waterland, Mark | |
Otago | Crowley, James |
Gordon, Keith | |
Hanton, Lyall | |
Lucas, Nigel | |
McMorran, David Allan | |
Perry, Nigel Brian | |
Temple, Wayne Anthony | |
Overseas | Hill, Anthony F |
Jameson, Guy N L | |
Waikato | Franich, Robert (retired) |
Gill, Brendon | |
Lane, Jo | |
Mucalo, Michael Roger | |
Prinsep, Michele | |
Whittle, Kenneth | |
Wellington | Evans, Gary |
Furneaux, Richard | |
Harvey, Joanne | |
Hinkley, Simon | |
Hodgkiss, Justin | |
Johnston, James | |
Miller, Ian James | |
Northcote, Peter | |
Rendle, Phillip | |
Russell, Sarah Grace Gray | |
Schwoerer, Ralf | |
Sharman, Wayne | |
Spencer, John L | |
Timmer, Mattie | |
Waters, James Desmond | |
Weatherburn, David Charles | |
Whitney, Robert | |
Zubkova, Olga |
Freeman, Colin George | Canterbury |
Hitchings, Terence Richard | Canterbury |
McDonald, Hamish | Overseas |
Rendle, Richard | Canterbury |
Scott, Barry | Manawatu |