The highest honour of the NZIC is awarded to members who have given meritorious service to the Institute or to science or to the profession of chemistry.

Promotion of a Member to Fellow normally requires a minimum of 5 years’ professional experience as a Member, and the candidate must have shown a substantial measure of ability or achievement in chemistry. The membership fee for a fellow is $160.00 per year. Further information about the requirements for promotion to Fellow, can be found under Rule 9 of the NZIC rules.

Application for fellowship can be made directly using this form: Fellowship Application Form

Fellows of the Institute and Branch Committees have the right to nominate Honorary Fellows.

Bingham, Alistair Gavin Auckland
Blackman, Allan Auckland
Blunt, John Canterbury
Brasch, Nicola Auckland
Brimble, Margaret Auckland
Cousins, Ghislaine Manawatu
Crowley, James Otago
Duncan, John Auckland
Evans, Gary Wellington
Filichev, Vyacheslav Manawatu
Franich, Robert (retired) Waikato
Furneaux, Richard Wellington
Gill, Brendon Waikato
Gizdavic-Nikolaidis, Marija Auckland
Gordon, Keith Otago
Grayson, Bill Auckland
Hall, Simon Manawatu
Hanton, Lyall Otago
Harrison, John Auckland
Hartshorn, Richard Canterbury
Harvey, Joanne Wellington
Haverkamp, Richard Manawatu
Hay, Michael Auckland
Hill, Anthony F Overseas
Hinkley, Simon Wellington
Hodgkiss, Justin Wellington
Jameson, Guy N L Overseas
Johnston, James Wellington
Jull, Adrian Manawatu
Kilmartin, Paul Auckland
Lane, Jo Waikato
Lucas, Nigel Otago
MacGibbon, Alastair Kenneth Hugh Manawatu
Masters, Sarah Canterbury
McGillivray, Duncan Auckland
McMorran, David Allan Otago
Miller, Ian James Wellington
Miskelly, Gordon Mark Auckland
Mucalo, Michael Roger Waikato
Northcote, Peter Wellington
OConnor, Charmian Auckland
Perry, Nigel Brian Otago
Plieger, Paul Manawatu
Prinsep, Michele Waikato
Rendle, Phillip Wellington
Roper, Warren Richard Auckland
Rowlands, Gareth J Manawatu
Russell, Sarah Grace Gray Wellington
Schwerdtfeger, Peter Auckland
Schwoerer, Ralf Wellington
Sharman, Wayne Wellington
Simpson, Cather Auckland
Smart, Deane Auckland
Spencer, John L Wellington
Temple, Wayne Anthony Otago
Timmer, Mattie Wellington
Travas Sejdic, Jadranka Auckland
Waterhouse, Geoffrey Auckland
Waterland, Mark Manawatu
Waters, James Desmond Wellington
Watson, Ian Douglas Auckland
Weatherburn, David Charles Wellington
Whitney, Robert Wellington
Whittle, Kenneth Waikato
Williams, David Auckland
Williamson, Arthur Gordon Canterbury
Wright, James Auckland
Zubkova, Olga Wellington
Auckland Bingham, Alistair Gavin
Blackman, Allan
Brasch, Nicola
Brimble, Margaret
Duncan, John
Gizdavic-Nikolaidis, Marija
Grayson, Bill
Harrison, John
Hay, Michael
Kilmartin, Paul
McGillivray, Duncan
Miskelly, Gordon Mark
OConnor, Charmian
Roper, Warren Richard
Schwerdtfeger, Peter
Simpson, Cather
Smart, Deane
Travas Sejdic, Jadranka
Waterhouse, Geoffrey
Watson, Ian Douglas
Williams, David
Wright, James
Canterbury Blunt, John
Hartshorn, Richard
Masters, Sarah
Williamson, Arthur Gordon
Manawatu Cousins, Ghislaine
Filichev, Vyacheslav
Hall, Simon
Haverkamp, Richard
Jull, Adrian
MacGibbon, Alastair Kenneth Hugh
Plieger, Paul
Rowlands, Gareth J
Waterland, Mark
Otago Crowley, James
Gordon, Keith
Hanton, Lyall
Lucas, Nigel
McMorran, David Allan
Perry, Nigel Brian
Temple, Wayne Anthony
Overseas Hill, Anthony F
Jameson, Guy N L
Waikato Franich, Robert (retired)
Gill, Brendon
Lane, Jo
Mucalo, Michael Roger
Prinsep, Michele
Whittle, Kenneth
Wellington Evans, Gary
Furneaux, Richard
Harvey, Joanne
Hinkley, Simon
Hodgkiss, Justin
Johnston, James
Miller, Ian James
Northcote, Peter
Rendle, Phillip
Russell, Sarah Grace Gray
Schwoerer, Ralf
Sharman, Wayne
Spencer, John L
Timmer, Mattie
Waters, James Desmond
Weatherburn, David Charles
Whitney, Robert
Zubkova, Olga
Freeman, Colin George Canterbury
Hitchings, Terence Richard Canterbury
McDonald, Hamish Overseas
Rendle, Richard Canterbury
Scott, Barry Manawatu