NZIC members may elect to belong to one or more Specialist Groups within the NZIC.

There are 10 Specialist Groups registered, of varying activity. Some are functional only during national Conferences, while others have active year-long programmes, including their own conferences, and recruit non-NZIC members as affiliates.


Alison Downard FRSNZ

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences­ | Te Kura Matū
University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wananga o Waitaha
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
Phone: 64 3 369-4228

Fats & Oils

To be confirmed

Inorganic & Organometallic

School of Chemical and Physical Sciences Victoria University (Wellington) PO Box 600 Wellingon Phone: +64 4 463 596

Molecular Modelling
Jack Flanagan

Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre
University of Auckland

Joel Tyndall

School of Pharmacy
University of Otago

Organic & Medicinal
Jonathan Sperry

Science Centre - Chemistry
23 Symonds Street
Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 923-8269


To be confirmed


To be confirmed

X-Ray Crystallography
Geoff Jameson

Professor in Structural Chemistry and Biology
Massey University
Private Bag 11 222
Palmerston North 4410
Phone: +64 6 951-7626