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Your search for NZIC

About New Zealand Institute of Chemistry
The NZIC was founded in 1931. It is comprised of six geographical branches and a number of specialist groups.

Donate to New Zealand Institute of Chemistry
If you would like to make a donation to the NZIC in order to further support and promote chemistry in New Zealand, please do so by selecting one of the options below. A receipt will be provided by email, but please note that this donation is not tax‑deducible.

Membership Benefits
A range of benefits are available to members who belong to the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry.

NZIC news

2021 NZIC Annual General Meeting
2021 NZIC AGM will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 30 November

Registrations for NZIC2019 are now open!
Early bird registration for the 2019 NZIC conference are now open